Thanks to Songbird at revgalblogpals...the Friday Five
Friday Five: Lock Me Out, Lock Me In
For some reason, Blogger declared this blog possible SPAM and locked us down yesterday. This morning, we're free to post again, but there was a fair amount of excitement last night among our contributors, who found a dire notice on their Blogger dashboards threatening that this blog might be deleted in 20 days!
Friday Five: Lock Me Out, Lock Me In
For some reason, Blogger declared this blog possible SPAM and locked us down yesterday. This morning, we're free to post again, but there was a fair amount of excitement last night among our contributors, who found a dire notice on their Blogger dashboards threatening that this blog might be deleted in 20 days!
We requested a blog review, and I posted a request at the Blogger Help group, where I found we were not alone. Many other perfectly nourishing and cromulent blogs got the same notice last night.
This turned out to be a very small barricade in our blogging community life, but it seemed appropriate to explore locks and blocks and other barriers this week. Also, I liked the picture of the security team above! Could they be Blogger's Spam Prevention Robots, working overtime?
In honor of their efforts, I bring you the "Lock Me Out, Lock Me In" Friday Five.
1) How do you amuse yourself when road construction blocks your travel?
I find a great song (always need music) and turn it up really loudly! I also try to listen to the traffic reports to avoid any road construction, as I am usually in a hurry! :)
2) Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? (And do you keep an extra key somewhere, just in case?)
Yes, with my baby girl no less! Though I have found that it is easy to do with all that one must remember to take when leaving with baby. LOL Thankfully my mom had an extra key and I had remembered to bring my cell phone (thank the Lord!) so I called my mom and she came to the rescue!
3) Have you ever cleared a hurdle? (And if you haven't flown over a material hurdle, feel free to take this one metaphorically.)
At Bible study last night I talked about the hurdle of unconfessed sin. as well as the hurdle of sin that has been confessed, and forgiven by God, but that we have not accepted God's forgiveness and we have not forgiven ourselves for. Personally, there was one giant sin that I had to work through. It was something that took me a long time to acknowledge and process but with God's help and the help of a wonderful support system, I was able to fly, albeit slowly, over that hurdle and be drawn into a closer, deeper relationship with Him!
4) What's your approach to a mental block?
Walk away for awhile, do something totally different, like listen to music, take a walk, or go play with the girls and then come back to it a little later.
5) Suggest a caption for the picture above; there will be a prize for the funniest answer!
"We represent the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild, the lollipop guild and in the name of the lollipop guild you must not pass!"
What can I say, they reminded me of the munchkins!
Such truth in your #3.
Oh, you remind me of the time I locked myself out with the baby still INside the house!!
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