Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Meet and Greet: May I Interview YOU? edition

From Mompriest at RevGalBlogPals...

1. Where do you blog?
odyssey, sitting almost anywhere with my macbook! :)

2. What are your favorite non-revgal blog pal blogs?
The Bishop's Blog
Into the Great Un-Gnome
The Painted Prayerbook

3. What gives you joy?
My two beautiful daughters
Rachel (Ray Ray) & Grace (Little Miss Lou Who)

And my wonderful, supportive husband

And as crazy as it may sound, the blessed opportunity to be in ministry and in seminary at the same time!  Thank you, God!

4. What is your favorite sound?
the sound of laughter, of singing, music, silence, rain on a metal roof, rubber tires on gravel roads

5. What do you hope to hear once you enter the pearly gates?
Hello Andii.  Welcome home.

6. You have up to 15 words, what would you put on your tombstone?
Her legacy is in her children, watch them and you will see her echo.

7. Write the first sentence of your own great American novel.
Hers seemed like a completely hopeless situation, but there is hope, even in the hopeless.

8. What color do you prefer your pen?
I am a pen snob and I do prefer blue!

9. What magazines do you subscribe too?
Time, Sojourners, Christianity Today, Entertainment Weekly

10. What is something you want to achieve in this decade?
Continue on the path toward my Master of Divinity.  I hope to be finished before the end of the next decade and then onto ordination!

11. Why are you cool?
Is there such a thing as geeky cool?  I love hanging around younger people who make me feel young. :)  They are cool!

12. What is one of your favorite memories?
There are so many to choose from.  Memories from a mission trip that I was blessed to co-lead almost 7 years ago -  a 3-week trip to Ukraine.  What an awesome experience.  While we were there, we met some amazing Ukrainian people who ministered to us way more than we to them.  I remember leaving Lutsk on the train to Kiev and our Ukrainian ministry partners standing on the platform in tears as the train pulled out, saying, "Until we meet again in heaven!"  What an amazing experience!

13. Anything else you've always wanted to be asked?
Hey friend, how 'bout lunch? 


Terri said...

Thank you for taking the time to "let me" interview you - what fun!

MumPastor said...

I had to laugh when I read your "day late and dollar short" as I was just about to write the same thing! Your girls look precious and I remember going to seminary and interning and having little ones at the same time - what an intense amazing time...hope to see more of you at RevGals!

Bad Alice said...

"Rubber tires on gravel roads" - how lovely. Number 6, too.