Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday Five "A Word Association"

From the RevGalBlogPals:

Singing Owl's Friday Five..."comes from the Lovin' Spoonful song, "Summer in the City."

Think summer......are you there? Below you will find five words or phrases. Tell us the first thing you think of on reading each one. Your response might be simply another word, or it might be a sentence, a poem, a memory, a recipe, or a story.

You get the idea: 1. rooftop 2. gritty 3. hot town (yeah, I know, it's two words) 4. night 5. dance"
"Escape to Dance"

A moonlight night,
chilled, crisp - stars in the sky.
After a radiant, summer day,
spent running errands in a steamy vehicle.
Escape to the rooftop,
away from the slumbering children.
Dancing under God's luminary blanket,
in the arms of my groom.
To the words of Old Blue Eyes himself,
"Someday when I'm awfully low...
I will feel a glow just thinking of you
and the way you look tonight."

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Perfect Time to Trust...

I stand in awe of God all the time, but at this very moment in my life, in the life of my family, I have been reminded yet again of the truth of His Holy Words, most especially in this time, recorded in Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."

My deepest desire has been and will continue to be to serve Him everyday in every way. Okay, well at least as much as humanly possible. And I am on the cusp of being able to be paid to be His servant - CRAZY and wonderful, scary and exciting all rolled up into one. I am very excited, but I hope that I also enter into ministry with less naivety than I would have had 10 years, or even 5 years ago, though I know that I have much to learn and experience. I do have fear, but it is fear that is in check with reality, a healthy fear, as I have been referring to it, knowing that I am nothing without Him. But with Him nothing is impossible - how exciting and extraordinary!

So my prayer tonight, as I reflect about what lies ahead for me - a new adventure, for my husband who is giving up his job - tomorrow is his last day, for our family - as we prepare to move in just a little over a week is this...

Desperate, we throw ourselves on you:

you are our God!

Hour by hour we place our days in your hand,

safe from the hands out to get us.

Warm us, your servants, with smiles;

save us because you love us.

Don't embarrass us by not showing up;

we've given you plenty of notice.
Psalm 31:13-15 (The Message)

Thank you Lord for blessing us so abundantly, now and always!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ballet with a 3 year old...

Little Miss Lou Who (LMLW)- our 3 year old, took Mama (my mom) and I to the Youth Ballet this evening and we had a blast. It was so cool to watch these young people who I'm sure have rehearsed endlessly, perform beautifully! LMLW was enthralled, that was also very cool! When the ballerinas appeared, she said, "Look Momma, princesses!"

What a great day. Lord, thank you for moments that remind me how wonderful You are!

At the same time, I am reminded of one of LMLW's friends, a 4 year old little boy who has been recently diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma. Very scary and very sad. He seems to be doing well, but if you are reading this please say a prayer for Brandt and his family.

Ups and downs, joys and sorrows - life and the journey continues tomorrow...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Today's Journey

I was reflecting about how much I really do view my life in terms of faith journey, my childhood, my young adulthood, my marriage, my motherhood, my ministry journey...

Earlier today I was reminded of a song by Sara Groves , in fact it was the song that I walked down the aisle to my DH on our wedding day to, entitled, "He's Always Been Faithful To Me."
I remember the year that we became engaged. That year was a year of highlights for me in many ways. Before our engagement I agreed and began preparing to co-lead a group of college students to Ukraine for a 3 week mission trip. It was at about the same time that I bought her Coversations CD. For every part of my journey that particular year from preparing to leave ("Painting Pictures of Egypt"), to becoming engaged to Dale("Hello Lord"), to being in Ukraine ("Tent in the Center of Town") and then finally culminating with our wedding, one of her songs spoke to me at every turn.

Pretty amazing! Did you ever have that happen? I've often thought of sharing with her my year of highlights reflected in her music. I think what is most amazing to me is that God uses what speaks to us most at that time, if we are only willing and open and listening...What is speaking to you? What is God whispering to you through His Word, other people that love you, strangers, music, poetry, nature...? Keep listening...I shall try.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Taking the View Friday Five

Friday Five by Sally at RevGalBlogPals

1. How important is the "big picture" to you, do you need a glimpse of the possibilities or are you a details person?

I think that I allow myself to be buried by details. I enjoy looking at the bigger picture and believe that we all need to step out of the everyday details to notice the bigger picture once in awhile, if not more often. I need that to be able to refocus on what is important, you know, prioritize my life.

2. If the big picture is important to you how do you hold onto it in the nitty gritty details of life?

I hold onto the bigger picture by reading God's Word and praying, trying to submit to His will and I need that daily. While this sounds good, I admit that I am a control freak and so this is very difficult, which is why I need this everyday.

3. Name a book, poem, psalm, piece of music that transports to to another dimension ( one....what am I thinking....)

  • Claude Debussy's "Clair de Lune"
  • Smetana's "The Moldau" - I've always loved musical compositions that tell a story with instruments...
  • Genesis...In the beginning...
  • Chris Rice;
  • Sara Groves...

yes I could go on and on...

4.Thinking of physical views, is there somewhere that inspires you, somewhere that you breathe more easily?

I love the water - streams, lakes, the sitting by a stream in the mountains, listening to the trickling or rushing water, is pretty close to heaven, in my opinion. Friends of ours have a cabin in upstate Pa, near the southern tip of the Grand Canyon of PA-yes there really is one-that we go at least once a year that is on the Pine Creek, pretty much in the middle of nowhere, but so perfect for pulling yourself out of the everyday details and centering oneself on what is most important! I love it!

5. A picture opportunity... post one if you can ( or a link to one!) Slate Run, my slice of heaven on earth -